Hi, I'm Benjamin Chiang

UCSD ECE Student, Tech Enthusiast, Cat person

About me

profile picture

I am a junior undergraduate ECE major Math minor student studying @ UCSD. My primary interest lies in Machine Learning, Data Visualization, and Technology. In my free time, I enjoy reading up on the latest tech news, traveling, people watching at a local coffee shop, or working on personal projects.

Last year (2020-2021) I took a break from UCSD because of COVID-19 and enrolled in several credit-based programs universities in Taiwan, my home country. Being Top-notch universities in Taiwan, they offered me a well-needed chance to broaden my sight and regain my focus.

With in-person instruction resumed at UCSD, I am eager and excited for new and different opportunities to learn and make connections.

I am currently seeking for internship opportunities that can further advance my skill set as an engineer.




I have extensive experience in/out of classroom in Python and its related DS/ML packages, such as Numpy, Pandas, Plotly, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scikit Learn, etc. Most of my personal projects are done in Python!



My first line of "Hello World!" was written in C. Then, I progressed on to writing/learning data structure and algorithms in C/C++ formally in classes. 



I've always loved tinkering with computers and tech. However, my first taste of formal DevOps/Unix was during my gap year where I took a university course on System Administration where I learned FreeBSD and all its cool features, such as ftp, zfs, apache web server, etc. 



I use Git and Github recreationally. Although I have yet to have a chance to use it professionally, I practice with myself while doing coding assignments. 

Web Development


I've learned most of web dev on my own as a hobby.  I've built multiple websites and learned how to use HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Flask, etc. I'm planning to learn more about web app frameworks, such as Vue or React. 

Work Experience



scribbly nn structure


Sep 2020 - Dec 2020

  • Using a CNN with a architecture inspired by AlexNet(2012) to recognize doodles of animals
  • The model is able to accurately (~91%) differentiate 4 animals based on minor differences in their front facing facial features
between 1 and 0 - herd

SVD Image Compression 

Feb 2021 - June 2021

  • Utilizing SVD's rank revealing and dimensionality reduction features to create a interactive image compression web demo
  • Built using Python, Numpy, and Streamlit, a web-hosted demo can be found by clicking on the image above
micromouse board picture


Sep 2019 - June 2020

  • Created a Micromouse from the ground up using STM32 F-series microcontroller, H-bridge, etc.
  • Designed the PCB board layout in EagleCAD
  • Sadly, it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic
3rd place
LaundrEEE website screenshot


Sep 2019 - Dec 2019

  • 3rd place IEEE Quarterly Project 
  • Created a non-intrusive method of monitoring laundry status in dormitories
  • Using OpenCV, the program recognizes the timer on the laundry machine and broadcasts the information via a website

Automated Solution for Algorithmic Bias using Python and Julia 

Dec 2021 - March 2022

  • A programming essay on Algorithmic solutions to mitigate bias in machine learning models
  • Algorithms used: Adversarial Debiasing and Reweighing
  • Created using Python, Julia, AIF360, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
between 1 and 0 - herd
Click me!

Between 1 and 0 

Feb 2021 - June 2021

RL maze

RL Maze Solver 

March 2020 - Present

  • Implemented the N-Step-SARSA reinforcement learning algorithm to solve a complex maze
  • The maze includes walls and traps
  • The agent was able to learn the course with high confidence
2nd place
trashout hardhack demo

Trash Out 

Feb 2020 - Fed 2020

  • 2nd place digikey company challenge winner
  • Created a trash notification system using ultrasonic sensors and a NKK smart switch. 
  • The system notifies a group of users when the trash is full

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